Wool & Flax

Friday, June 3, 2011

Carseat Advice Needed!

Okay folks - and by folks I mean you all with babes that can offer us some advice.  Our G. Bob has finally outgrown his infant car seat (although he may have an ounce or two to spare, he's over on length), and we're moving on to a convertible car seat.  This (<---clickety click) is the one we got, in case anyone is just dying to know, thanks to the advice from several people (thanks Kelli!).

Anyways, the seat is wonderful, and G. Bob looks so comfy in it.  There's one problem though: 2 cars - 2 transporters.  Keith and I have completely different schedules, and we both HAVE to drive him to and from his caregivers' place.  So what do we do?  We can't take the seat in and out everyday, and it might become a pain to have to switch cars on days where that might actually work.  But the BIGGEST issue is that more than one day a week one of us drops him off and the other one picks him up.  It seems like our only option is to buy a second seat.  But oh how we would love to avoid this!!  So, what do we do??

Thoughts and/or advice anyone?!?!?!?  It will be much appreciated!!!! 

We do it for him.  Maybe he'll beam us up later to thank us.


  1. The graco my ride 65 is just like the britax marathon, only cheaper. nick and i are getting a pretty expensive car seat for my car (who will have him the most) and then getting the graco one for his car. we will be doing the same thing where i drop him off but nick picks him up, but when we go together we always take my car. That's our plan! i'm interested in hearing others advice as well!

    p.s. kelli got the one with waverly's name didn't she!!?? haha!!

  2. and the safety for both britax and graco are both equal since i know that's of most importance to you :)

  3. We have the Evenflo Triumph 65 and LOVE it--either that or the MyRide would be a great choice! Both rear face until 40lbs like the Marathon. Our Lleyton still has TONS of room rear facing @ 2. Check around--you can find both the MyRide and Triumph on sale frequently.

    LOVE the blog!!

    Sarah (Holt) Good

  4. this is late, but I wish we'd found this one earlier than we did...would've saved having to buy another seat for the "booster" phase.


    The Nautilus 3 in 1
